The Hospital of the Future: How Tech Trends and the Internet of Things (IoT) Shape Healthcare
Today’s rapidly evolving tech world can essentially be summed up in one word: connectivity. It may seem cliché, but every “dumb device” we turn into a “smart device” presents an opportunity for innovation, and in turn expands the connected world we are all a part of. In the words of Akamai Technologies , the cloud services giant that serves roughly one third of the world’s daily web traffic, “You don’t just GO online, you ARE online.” One industry that has been hugely impacted by evolution of technology, particularly the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), is healthcare. Intel estimates that almost one third of smart devices are in healthcare buildings – not in your pocket or on your wrist. Medical facilities have embraced IoT so much that the industry has carved out its very own piece of the pie, the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). According to Forbes, there are currently 3.7 million devices that make up the IoMT, a number that continues to grow with every pulse oxim...